Tidal volume (page under construction)
Area and volume changes in an estuary
A database of 100 years (1915-2014) of coastal flooding in the UK
Orbital Power planned deployment in Orkney. 2MW max at cost of £7 million. Typically £3.13 million for a 3.5 MW wind turbine. The largest tidal project in the world is the Sihwa Lake Tidal Power Station in South Korea, with an installed capacity of 254MW. The project, established in 2011, was easily added to a 12.5km-long seawall built in 1994 to protect the coast against flooding and to support agricultural irrigation. The Rance Tidal Power Station is a tidal power station located on the estuary of the Rance River in Brittany, France. First in the world to be built, now second in size to South Korea Dramatic Photo Hints At 'How Close' London Is To Major Flooding. But Is It That Bad?
Excel file showing variation of renewable energy vs time over last decade
gov digest Tidal Range Alliance (UK) Climate change: Tidal energy projects ignored, say supporters
Quora How long must a wind farm operate to pay back the energy used to build it? According to the International Journal of Sustainable Manufacturing, the time for a 2 MegaWatt wind turbine to generate the amount of energy spent in manufacturing and installing it is 5 to 8 months.The payback time in cash terms is about 3.3 years. Since a turbine has a working life of 20 years - this is a very good deal - both from an economic and an ecological perspective. For an entire wind farm, I guess the answer is the same. I suppose if you built the farm a few months apart then the first ones would be paying the energy costs to build the subsequent ones before the ink was dry on the contract to buy them. Larger turbines are more efficient than little ones - so I’d guess they’d pay back their “cost” even faster.
Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL)